Content Marketing

Filling your site with relevant, up-to-date, actionable and well written content is key to keeping visitors engaged – but it holds many additional benefits. A well executed content strategy boosts the performance of all your marketing campaigns – and therefore maximizes their ROI – by ensuring your site delivers excellent user experience, and signals that back to search engines.

Pinetree’s content marketing experts are masters at creating compelling content that drives leads and conversion, as well as streamlines user navigation and lends itself to stronger behavior metrics. Together with you, we can develop a tailor made, high quality and original content marketing strategy that suits your business’ objectives, your audience’s top converting interests within your particular niche, and your budget.

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About Content Marketing

Developing a content marketing strategy is a multi-step process, that begins similarly to an SEO strategy – with keyword research. At this stage, the Pinetree team will attempt to zero in on your audience’s top converting interests within your niche, to assess which content assets can be leveraged to boost traffic, rankings, conversion and even brand perception all the way up the user funnel. This research stage also includes a deep dive into your user base, including the audience’s demographic characteristics and behavior patterns.

Following this, we begin unique content mapping and creation, based on tried and true best practices. This is aimed at generating traffic and nurturing engagement once on the page, to prevent bouncing out and actually encourage users to continue down the funnel all the way up to goal completion. This can be checkout, subscription, form completion or any other goal your particular site defines as ‘conversion’. Whatever the end goal, the best way to get there is grabbing – and holding on to – readers’ attention.

Companies that employ a content marketing strategy enjoy, on average, a 6x higher conversion rate than companies that do not.

Is content marketing worth the investment?

Content marketing is about 3x more effective than traditional or native marketing – and yet it costs less than half. It’s no wonder, then, that more and more businesses are investing in content marketing every year, and that over 70% of marketers state that original brand content published online is a more powerful tool than magazine ads.

What’s more, content marketing is effective in any stage of the user journey – from top of the funnel to the very bottom, where conversion happens. It’s imminent, therefore, to invest in content marketing aimed both at capturing audiences’ attention, and nurturing the leads that choose to linger, to get them to convert.


Nearly ⅔ of marketers cite original written content as the most vital content asset type, above videos.


Assists in a variety of campaigns

Content marketing supports improving your website’s user experience and conversion rate, emboldening all traffic-driving campaigns. These include SEO, PPC, Social Media and E-mail which rely on content in order to generate clicks.

Increase engagement, boosting UX & SEO metrics

Creating custom, compelling content drives user engagement metric, such as time on page and click through rate. This, in turn, serves as a positive UX signal that search engines decipher and use to positively impact your site’s rankings.

Improve conversion rate

Sites employing a content marketing strategy enjoy a 6x higher conversion rate than sites that do not. But content marketing doesn’t just touch on one step in the user journey, but every single one. From the very top of the funnel - brand awareness - to lead generation, conversion, customer retention, up-sell and evangelism.

Improve brand perception & trust

Content marketing deals with providing added value to potential prospects, as opposed to other marketing initiatives which are typically meant to take something away - such as payment, personal details or commitment. By providing something for free, consumers are more likely to trust your business’ expertise and character.

Customize messaging by audience

Content marketing can be tailored to suit specific customer characteristics, including capture channel, time of day or even specific niche search. This is an excellent investment, as 61% of customers are influenced by custom content.

Potentially low cost with excellent ROI

Pinetree’s experts can optimize your content to ensure it’s maximizing the potential within your niche. However, your team can create the foundation for some of the most crucial content pieces on your site, reducing costs and delivering greater ROI.

Pinetree’s Process



We begin by taking a look at historical campaign data and site performance metrics, using a variety of powerful analytical tools.



Based on the findings from our analysis, we build a plan that includes various online marketing tactics including, but not limited to, SEO, PPC, Social Media and content, e-mail marketing and product innovation.



After reviewing and approving the proposed plan, we manage implementation according to priority, in conjunction with your team. This includes A/B tests in areas we’d like to evaluate.


Measure & Analyze

Starting in as little as one week from implementation, we begin a rigorous recording and measuring process of every aspect that could potentially affect the campaign’s ROI. Armed with performance statistics of our initial plan, we conduct a thorough analysis of new learnings, comparing it to our original evaluation.


Analyze Adjust & monitor

With the knowledge of how our initial tests performed, we come up with new tests and a clearer pathway to profitability, all while continuing top performing campaigns (with proper monitoring) and nixing unsuccessful testing variation as soon as statistical significance is reached. Then, we leave only the cream of the crop - the highest ROI-yielding campaigns - to monitor continuously for relevance and any signs of decline - indicating the need to repeat the process.


Let’s discuss your business’ goals - and how to achieve them with online marketing.

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